2020-04-01 17:55
第一部分的日常话题,可以称之为Survival English。
这相当于在国外做public lecture或者public presentation的迷你版本。另外,如果考生抽到的话题考前没有准备,在拿到Part 2话题后有一分钟时间做笔记,在这个过程中考生也能展示你即兴演讲的能力。
Part 3的话题领域更广泛,包括经济,教育,科技,环保等等。在这里,你会遇到考官提出的各种问题,要充分运用解释,举例,因果等论证方式来表达自己的观点了。
但是,大部分中国雅思考生往往更重视Part 2,花大量的时间准备Part 2的话题答案,或者直接背诵网上或者参考书上的答案。对于Part 1问题觉得很简单,觉得一两句话能回答出来就可以。
然后忽略了Part 3部分!!!这样操作,你的雅思分数最高就在6分止步了。
要知道,雅思口语Part 3才是决定你的口语是否能够提升一个新level的关键!
那么雅思口语Part 3有什么坑需要避免,有什么样的答题要点呢?
首先,我们要全面了解雅思Part 3提问和回答的底层逻辑, 以Part 1和Part 3作对比,他们的总体答题时间都是4-5分钟,但在考试形式和回答方式上区别非常大。
雅思口语Part 1雅思口语Part 3
考官提问日常的事实性问题考官提问和Part 2相关的观点性问题
考生每次回答2-3句话即可考生每次回答3-4句话,比Part 1略长
另外,雅思口语Part 3问题和Part 2话题相关,基本以这六种提问方式出现:
1. Giving your opinion (提出观点)
e.g. What do you think about the way language are taught in schools?
2. Making a prediction (预测未来)
e.g. What will be the next big development online?
3. Talking about other people (谈论别人)
e.g. How do most people get around in your country?
4. Analyze the advantages and disadvantages (分析利弊)
e.g. What negative effects can watching television have on children?
5. Comparison and contrasting (对比比较)
What is the difference between studying online and studying in a school?
6. Causes and effects / solution (原因影响/解决方案)
e.g. What are some of the reasons for students doing badly in school?
那么雅思口语Part 3如何回答才能获得高分呢?什么样的回答会让你的分数一落千丈呢?
这里先给大家说一个回答Part 3的九字真言:抓题眼,给原因,巧举例。
如果Part 2是让考生描述一个非常喜欢参观的博物馆,在Part 3中考官会针对博物馆相关话题进行提问和讨论,比如:
1. What benefits can schoolchildren gain from visiting museums?
David: Oh. OK. Um. well, they can learn about the culture of their country or other countries you know ...about customs and the way people lived-what the wore, what they did and all that kind of thing. Museum are sometimes a bit expensive, but if the school pavs, it's OK. and there's such a lot to see. The displays can be really good.
分析:本题题眼是“benefits”,以what来进行提问。David在回答中提到了参观博物馆的好处(learn about theculture),但并没有对好处进行解释或者举例;后面的回答偏题了,参观博物馆贵不贵,东西好不好和benefits联系不大,而且结构非常混乱。
Lin: I think the benefits are huge! First of all, they can experience things directly.. you know, they're not in the classroom any more, they're in a different environment. And the exhibits seem much more real they see the actual objects, not just pictures of them. Another benefit is that, um, museums often have activities for children to participate in, so that they can earn about things like history, science, the world and so on.
2. How do you think most children feel about visiting a museum?
David: I think they find them boring. I don't think they really understand what museums are, for they don’t find them fun. Like me – I used to prefer to play football if we had to go to a museum, I wasn't happy about that.
分析:这个题目的题眼是“most children feel about”,以how do you think 提问;David 给出了观点(find them boring),但并没有给出理由;答案中提到他们之所以不知道什么是博物馆,是因为他们觉得没意思,可他们为什么会觉得无聊,没意思,答案中并没有进行解释。另外,答案中出现了很多以“I”开头的句子,不是在进行论述和概括,而是在说自己。
Lin: Well. I think some children enjoy looking at all the displays and exhibits … because when you get inside a museum it's like going into another world. But I think there are also children who are too, um, restless to look at things. And they see this big, old building and think that it can't be interesting or have anything that would entertain them.
分析:Lynn同学的回答给出了观点(enjoy looking; too restless to look at things),并且对这两个观点进行了充分的解释,用了“some children”“there are also children”“they see”等概括性人称进行论述和概括,而不是在说自己。
3. Are museums more educational now than they were when your parents were young?
David: Well in the past. there was nothing to do there. Because years ago, museums were in very old buildings and they were quiet and people weren't able to touch things.
分析:本题题眼是“more educational now”,是一个时间对比性讨论题目。David的回答中没有给出时间上的对比,只提到过去而没有说现在。尽管他使用了because来支持观点,而且整个结构也不错,但依然是差评。
Lin: I don't think there's any doubt that museums are much better at educating children now because that's what they are designed to do, In the past, I think museums had a different function, um, they were just places to keep ancient objects, like coins or pots, but now they're .. well, there are many interactive displays.
分析:Lin同学的回答通过“in the past”和“but now they are”来进行时间上的比较,并对自己的观点进行了解释,整个结构非常有条理性!
备注:以上英文举例答案摘自《剑桥雅思直通车中级课程》 Unit 8, Page 82.
P.S. 如果Part 3的问题太难没有清晰地观点怎么办?
如果你不确定或者没有一个清晰的观点,不要只说“I don’t know”, 也不能问考官一个不同的问题。
I haven’t really thought about it but I reckon…
That’s a tough question, … well, I reckon that …
To be honest, I don’t really know but I would say …
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