

2016-12-14 10:05



In 2016, Chinese people came up with some funny and confusing new phrases. From a blue thin mushroom to a friendship boat, the Baidu News team has compiled this year’s best buzzwords.



  Blue Thin Mushroom -Lán shòu xiānggū


  Blue thin mushroom became a trend when a video went viral of a young Chinese man from Guangxi province, complaining to his girlfriend in his local accent that he was upset and wanted to cry.


  Not everyone was a fan of this buzzword. People were criticized for using this buzzword as a lot of people considered it morally incorrect to joke about someone’s accent.


  Preshistoric Powers - Hónghuāng zhī lì


  To refer to one’s prehistoric power, first appeared in the Chinese television drama The Journey of Flower. However it wasn’t until this year’s Summer Olympic Games in Rio that this buzzword rose to fame. Whilst being interviewed after qualifying for the women’s 100m backstroke final, Chinese athlete Fu Yuanhui mentioned her mystic energy helped her swim so fast. Her bubbly personality made her an internet celebrity overnight, and with that started the prehistoric powers trend.


  Baby – Bǎobǎo


  When someone accidently typed baby (Bǎobǎo ) instead of father (Bàbà) in a post, the sentence ended up sounding cute and silly. The internet found the small typo that changed the context of the sentence so funny that it went viral.


  Come on! Let’s cause each other pain! - Lái a, hùxiāng shānghài a


  To cause each other pain comes from the Japanese animated series Guilty Crown’s opening song “Euterpe”. The lyrics of the song go “Why do humans hurt each other?”


  You’re mother is sick - Mā de zhìzhàng


  This short black and white cartoon initiated the “your mother is sick” trend. This expression is considered very impolite, and only used when joking around with close friends.


  The “friendship” boat capsizes easily - Yǒuyì de xiǎochuán shuō fān jiù fān


  This catchy phrase is a metaphor of friendship as a boat. This saying originated from a funny cartoon adaption of a classic children’s song. The phrase has become very popular to describe how friendships can come to an end over a small detail or sudden event.


  The slightest disagreement leads to - Yī yán bùhé jiù


  Yī yán bùhé jiù is used when someone says something out of the blue that doesn’t have any link to what was previously being said or done. It originated on Baidu when users posted pornographic images as a reply to a man’s post about complaining that being single, he felt lonely.


  Totally confused - Yī liǎn měng bī


  When someone says this phrase, what first comes to people’s minds is not the meaning itself, but rather the funny drawings on social media.


  Badass word brother - Lìhàile word (wǒ de) gē


  You may find it weird to say "word brother". That’s because the pronunciation of "word" is similar to "my" (wǒ de) in Chinese. The phrase is used to show admiration. Though there is "brother" involved, it can be used to describe women as well.


  I feel empty - Gǎnjué shēntǐ bèi tāo kōng


  To feel empty was first heard in a TV advertisement for a kidney medication but it didn’t cause a stir until Chinese people found the phrase to be the perfect caption to a photo of a famous Chinese comedian laying back on a couch staring into space. From there, the phrase quickly became a viral trend. It generally means you have pushed yourself hard and feel drained of energy.



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