

2018-01-11 15:54




1. What do you think of advertising in sports and entertainment events?

    Well there are two sides to this issue. On the one hand people say that to have sports you must allow them to find ways to make money. After all, we can't have every athlete only sponsored by the government. On the other hand, when we let advertisements into sports we are allowing big companies to control events.

2. What do you think of the transportation system in your hometown?

    A. I think the transportation system in my hometown is quite good. Compared to many other cities, the bus system is quite cheap and clean and because there are enough lines they are usually not too crowded. The roads are well designed and they are wide enough for people to pass through without any major jams. Another thing I think is good is the bicycle lanes, which are just wide enough for people to get through. I think the main reason our transportation system is so good is because we have good city management. They seem to know exactly what we need and want.

    B. I think the transportation in my hometown is terrible. The buses are just too old and need to be upgraded. For example, it's not that unusual to see a lot of buses broken down on the roads. As for the road system, it's obvious that the roads are not well planned. They make the roads wide enough but don't give enough room to let cars exit the main roads. The side lanes are always congested and sometimes you can get stuck in a traffic jam for over 40 minutes.

3. What do you think of the education system in your hometown?

    A. In my opinion, it does a wonderful job. I say this because it produces some very successful people. You know there are lots of people who have become successful in business, government and the sciences. Also, when I compare the quality of my English to people who took English courses in other places, I find my level is not too bad. I think the best thing about the education in my hometown is that the teachers are all very honest and they really emphasize a lot of personal development rather than just trying to get us to pass tests.

    B. In China, going to university can help me get a good job. But, many courses are too old and not very useful. The professors often have just recently graduated or are very new in their field, or they are older and not very up to date with new developments. Also, we have to take all sorts of courses that are not directly related to our field. This, I feel, is a complete waste of time. We could be learning much more in our own field, instead of spending time learning courses that have no use for our future.

4. What do you think of key schools in China?

    A. I think it's a good system because it helps the brighter students receive the educational challenges they need. When the students are steamed by ability level, it allows the schools to pick up the pace of instruction and the bright students never feel bored in school.

    B. I think it's an old system that needs changing. Not every intelligent student is accepted to a key school, even if they are academically able. Also, intelligent students shouldn't be segregated. They need to learn to deal with all kinds of other students. Segregating bright students doesn't provide them with the skills they need to communicate and interact with others, which is what they'll need to do once they start working.

5. What do you think of fast food restaurants in your country?

    A. As far as I'm concerned, the fast food restaurants are doing our country a favour because they help us learn the service techniques that are very successful. I mean, take McDonalds for example, they are such a huge success and their success has a reason. I mean, it's fast and efficient and clean. Also, the marketing techniques of these kinds of restaurants are quite sophisticated. I believe we can learn from these restaurants even if we don't like fast food. If we were to stop them from being in our country, we might miss out learning from some of the most successful corporations in the history of the world.

    B. Personally I can't stand them and think there are now too many in our country. I mean take Beijing now. There are currently over a hundred of them and I think we don't need that many. The food is not very nutritious and to be frank it's expensive as well.

6. What do you think of the 3 Gorges project?

    I feel there are two sides to this issue. On the one hand it will probably provide a lot of needed electrical energy. I mean take the area of Chongqing. It's a growing city but it's hampered by a lack of energy and it needs to be able to feed more electrical energy to some of the poorer provinces to the west of it, particularly Tibet. Also I think it will make navigation easier along the Changing River and that will be good for our industries, On the other hand, I believe it creates some hardships for those people living in that region, since they must be relocated and they are giving up the area that they have lived in for so long. Also, we must be very careful to make sure there is no environmental damage since there is a lot of precious life that depends on the river.



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