

2018-01-24 11:20




1. What do you think of the Olympic Games? Are they necessary far the world?

    A. From my point of view, the Olympics are very good because they allow nations to come together and bring their best athletes together to compete. I mean if you have international competitions in special events that's OK, but they can't take the place of the Olympics, The Olympics also does a lot for the pride of the place that hosts it and it makes the place very exciting. I am looking forward very much to the Olympics in the 2008. I think it will help out the economy immensely. For example, there will be a lot of people who can make extra income from souvenirs and as interpreters.

    B. I don't like the Olympics. As far as I'm concerned they are a waste of time and money. There is just too much nationalism and pressure on the athletes. For example in the last winter Olympics you had countries threatening to boycott them or pull out for all kinds of reasons, and you had some unethical judging going on. I think also that they have become too commercialized and that they've been taken over by big companies.

2. What do you think of the popularity of English in China?

    Well it's quite natural don't you think? I mean the world is getting closer and closer and I think it's natural that the world begins to use a common language. Well, that means that if you want to do well in business you should at least know a little English. Take the Internet for example, I mean, there are lots of Chinese websites, but as far as I'm concerned, you can get a much better range of knowledge if you can understand English. Some of the best industries in the future will involve international trade so if you are reasonably good at English you will be in demand. So the popularity of English is really for practical reasons. You can get a better job and you can probably have more opportunities.

3. What do you think of school uniforms?

    I personally suppose they are a good thing. I mean it's fine for other countries to let their children have a lot of freedom with their clothing but I think that it only creates problems in many other places. I mean I read somewhere that there is a lot of bullying that takes place in North American schools and that some kids are laughed at because too often their clothes are shabby. Another thing I think you have to understand is that we stress more harmony and unity among our students. It's important for students to have this sense of unity or otherwise our nation will fall apart.

4. Should children be punished in school?

    In my opinion children should be punished but not too often. I think the best way to deal, with children is to guide them through their mistakes and to try to help them see their own errors. I mean, punishment should be used, but only when the children believe that they can get away with something that they shouldn't do. Punishments also cannot be the only way a child learns not to do something or otherwise he or she will only act out of fear of consequences without knowing whether it's truly right or wrong. For example, if a boy passes notes in class and is only punished, he may stop it only as long as the teacher is around. But when he comes to another class with a teacher who's not as strict, he might start doing it again. He hasn't realized why it's not the right thing to do.

5. What does friendship mean to you?

    Well, that's a tough issue, let me think. I suppose it means almost everything to me except perhaps my family. Friendship, in my mind, means having people who you know will help you if you are ever in trouble. I think it's also people who you feel you can actually tell things to and they will listen. Friends are people who you don't need to be so polite to when you're asking them to go somewhere - you can just phone them up and tell them "let's go somewhere" and you know they'll probably go. They are also people who have the same kind of sense of humour when you speak with them so that you will just laugh and laugh together.

6. What does happiness mean to you?

    Well, it's a big topic. To me it means you live a carefree life, though I think it's impossible to be always carefree. That's why many people think of their childhood as being their time of true happiness because it was a time when they had little to worry about. Also, I think having a lot of very good friends is part of being very happy. It makes me happy to have some close friends who have a lot in common with me. I think happiness will double when it's shared with friends. Finally, I think happiness is knowing that you are useful, and knowing that you can help people when they need it. I feel happy to be able to help other people. I think it's pleasant to feel needed.



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