

作者:曾燕(Ivy) 来源: 时间:2010-09-29

1. Hello, This is New Oriental School, may I help you? 您好,这里是新东方,我能帮您吗?

2. Hello. Overseas Sales Department. Victor speaking. 喂,我是海外销售部的Victor

3. May I speak to Lucy, please? 我要找LUCY

4. Sorry, She is not in right now. 不好意思,她现在不在。

5. She is off today. 他今天休假。

6. She's on sick leave today. 她今天请病假。

7. She's on maternity leave now. 她在休产假

8. She is on a business trip. 她正在出差

9. I'm sorry. Lucy was transferred to our branch office 不好意思,Lucy 被调到分部了
10. Would you like to leave your message? 您需要留言吗?

11. Could you tell him to call me as soon as possible? 能不能请他尽快回电话给我?
12. Could you just tell him Victor called? 能不能告诉他Victor来过电话?

13. How can I get in touch with him? 我怎样才能和他联系?

14. Could you tell me where I can reach him? 可以告诉我怎样才能找到他吗?

15. What's the easiest way to contact him? 什么方法可以最快找到他?

16. Sorry, I didn't catch you.对不起,我听不懂你说的。

17. Could you speak up a little? 你能在大声一点吗?

18. Would you slow down, please? 请说慢一点好吗?

19. Hold on for just a second so I can grab a pen and paper.当然, 稍等一下让我拿个纸笔。

20. Ok, I will let her know as soon as possible. 我会尽快告诉她的。